Ferdinand JeanBlanc

Former Sitkan Ferdinand JeanBlanc died Aug. 23, 2013, in Valley Vista Nursing Home in St. Maries, Idaho. He was 78.
He was born Dec. 14, 1934, in Nampa, Idaho, the son of Ray and Aileen JeanBlanc. The family came to Sitka in 1945, and he attended school here. He took part in many school activities, and was the first male cheerleader for the Sitka High boys basketball team.
While in high school he fished summers with Henry Yriana on the troller Hope, and after graduating in 1953 he worked on the fish packers Clydesdale and Nellie B.
He went to Idaho in 1955, where he met and married Brenda Methala, in Kamiah, Idaho.
He and his new family moved to Sitka in 1956, and a year later they moved to Ketchikan where he worked in the pulp mill  and fished commercially. He was in the Alaska National Guard in Ketchikan for three years.
He moved back to Idaho, working in logging, then became involved in designing and manufacturing specialized sewing machines. His company’s Ferdo Machines were marketed worldwide.
Ferdie frequently came back to Sitka for class reunions and to go sport fishing. He was a champion trap shooter.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Brenda; parents Ray and Aileen; and brothers Marion, Dick and Chuck.
He is survived by his five sons, Ray, Ron, Rick, Robert and Randy; two sisters, Marlene and Dorylee; and numerous grandchildren. He also is survived by his lifelong best friend, Norman Richard Nelson of Sitka.

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February 2005

The Youth Totem Pole Project blessing of the log ceremony will be held at Sitka National Historical Park visitor center. Pacific High youths and carver Tommy Joseph will be introduced and the story and design of the totem pole project will be presented.


February 1975

Sitka Volunteer Fire Department reports ice on Swan Lake is 7-9 inches deep and safe for skating. However, officials warn skaters to avoid the end of the lake near Lakeside Grocery, since the ice is thinner there.


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