Douglas “Dougie” Patrick James

Services have been scheduled for Douglas “Dougie” Patrick James, a lifelong Sitka resident.
The cultural services will start at 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28, at the Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi Community House. Douglas will lie in state at Kaayaashká Hít, mother Coho house thereafter.
 The funeral will be 11 a.m. Saturday, March 1, at Saint Michael’s Cathedral with Father Michael Boyle officiating. Interment will follow at the city cemetery. A reception will follow at the Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi Community House. Those attending the reception are invited to take a salad or dessert to share.
Douglas was born in Sitka on March 1, 1974, to Ronald and Esther James. He was the youngest of three children. He died suddenly at his home on Feb. 11, 2014, at the age of 39.
His Tlingit name was Kaaydakeich. He was of the L’uknax.adi clan of L’ook Hit. He was a proud son of the Wooshkeetaan and grandson of the Kaagwaantaan.
He belonged to the Noow Tlein Dancers for many years. Doug had a powerful voice and was Noow Tlein’s song caller, often leading the Coho entrance and exit songs. He worked each year making Noow Tlein’s Easter bread for their fundraisers. Doug will be very much missed by the group. Doug had knowledge of many songs including other clans. He worked closely with elder Lily White of Hoonah learning the Chookaneidi songs. Douglas was close to many of the Tlingit elders and was referred to as “Hoonah Buck” from the ladies of Hoonah.
Douglas enjoyed spending time with friends. He especially enjoyed his time watching professional wrestling on TV, once traveling to see a live show.
He attended the Sitka public schools and was one of the first graduates from Pacific High School in 1994. He went to culinary school at Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute and worked at SEARHC for years in the kitchen and in communications. He grew up in the Sitka Native Education Program learning his language, dance, drumming and sewing, and later worked for them. He was actively involved in the U.N.I.T.Y. program.
Doug is survived by his father, Ronald James; sister, Roberta David; brother, Brian James; adopted Coho brother, Richard Benton; and nephews, Vincent and Kevin David. He is also survived by aunts, Ethel Makinen, Loretta Ness and Wilma Bacon. Also his grandmother, Amy James; uncle Jerry James and his wife Joan of Seattle, Wash.; uncle Robert James; great-aunts Margaret Verney and Helen Mercado, and great-uncle Ed Mercado of Seattle, Wash. He had close friendships with Henry Johnson Sr., Darryl and Susan John; and many other dear friends. Doug is survived by numerous cousins from a close-knit family.
Doug was preceded in death by his mother, Esther James.   
Pallbearers will be Kyle Young, Kenneth Nielsen Jr., Roger Ness Jr., Austin Bacon, Doug Bartels, Henry Johnson Sr., Victor Littlefield, Gary Lang Jr. and Leonty Williams.
Honorary pallbearers will be Jerry James, Robert James, Margaret Verney, Helen Mercado, Ed Mercado, Ernie Hillman, Harvey Kitka, James John Nielsen Sr., Ed Mercer, Nels Lawson, Jim Button, Marlene Corpez and Susan John.
 Family members may be contacted through Ron James, 447 Verstovia Avenue, Sitka, AK 99835.

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Jonathan Krebs, Sitka Economic Development Association director, said today he’s resigning to take a job in Ottumwa, Iowa. Krebs, who also is manager of the Sawmill Cove Industrial Park, has held the SEDA post for five years.



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