Barry Bruce Brown

Services for Barry Bruce Brown, a lifelong Sitka resident, will be 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 1, at the ANB Founders Hall. A reception will follow.

Barry passed away peacefully in his sleep on Oct. 18. He was 49.

At his request, he was cremated.

Barry was born March 21, 1966, in Sitka, the son of Lincoln Allen and Gladys Ann Brown. He graduated from Sitka High School in 1985. He played percussion in the school band, and received a standing ovation his senior year.

After attending Seward College in Seward for a year, he took up maintenance. He worked four years at the Legislative Information Office; at Super 8 Motel; and at Sitka Sound Seafoods, from 1990 to 2001, and 2004-2008; and had been working there again since March.

He was a shareholder of Shee Atika Corp., Sealaska Corp. and Golvin Corp., and was a member of the American Legion.

A basketball fan, he loved to go to the Sitka High girls home games with his sister Franbo, and he attended the Holland America basketball tourney every year.

His other hobbies included playing bingo (he was called “Bingo Barry), pulling pull tabs, going on family weekend camping trips, and boating. He also liked to go seal hunting and deer hunting – and got his very first deer when he was 10.

He loved the outdoors, and took his dogs, Goldie and Princess, and his sister’s dog, Nishka, on very long walks through Sitka National Historical Park to check his mail at the main post office.

He loved his DVD music – Joe Satriani, Tina Turner, Van Halen, Nazareth, Cinderella and AC/DC, to name a few. He and his sister Franbo would get together and record their favorite music to play at work at Sitka Sound Seafoods – Barry would pretend to play his air guitar and Franbo the drums.

He often talked about his favorite nieces, Crystal Clear, Gladys LaVerne and Jojo, and his nephew Leonard Jay.

Barry was known for his generous, loving care for his friends. He was always there to assist them in all ways, be it helping with chores or just keeping them company.

He loved visiting his friends – in one day he could be seen throughout town, making his visiting route.

One of his good friends, Robbie Martin, said the memory of Barry’s loving kindness and gentle soul will stay with her always.

Barry was a delightful presence in the community, and will be missed by all who knew him, his family said.

Barry was preceded in death by his father, Lincoln Allen Brown; mother Gladys Ann Brown; brother Leonard Bert Brown; and his sister, Esther Rita Brown.

He is survived by his sisters, Glenda L. (Guy) Childs of Trout Lake, Wash., France M. Morgan of Sitka and Betsy R. Haworth of Anchorage; nieces Crystal E. Brown, Gladys LaVerne Brown and Julissia King, and nephew Leonard J. Brown, all of Anchorage; niece Deanna (Eric) Fitzgerald and nephews Chili and Mason Fitzgerald, all of North Pole; and cousins Verna (Marty) Silvermall, Brian (Donna) James and Esther, Sarah and Jack James, all of Nome.

Pallbearers will be David Thomas, Chester Huls and Robbie Martin, and honorary pallbearers are Brian Johnson, Kevin Willman, Jerry Strelow and Ray Ozawa Jr.

Donations may be made at Alps Federal Credit Union into a donation account of his sister, Frances Morgan. Those who have Alaska Airlines miles to donate to family members may contact Frances at 623-7420.



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March 2005

Whale expert Jan Straley and biologists from Sitka Tribe of Alaska and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be featured on a cruise sponsored by Sitka Whalefest this weekend.



March 1975

Police Blotter: Preston Williams reported $6 worth of gas was stolen from his vehicle while it was parked at the Kiksadi. Paul Garwood said two tires on the KSA-TV van were slashed while the truck was parked at the Hobby House. George Reid, Arrowhead Trailer Court said guns, steamer trunks and decanters valued at $1,500 were stolen by burglars. A telephone was reported detached from the booth next to the post office.


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