December 17, 2013 Community Happenigns
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- Category: News
- Created on Tuesday, 17 December 2013 10:30
- Hits: 8570
Parking Limited
For Brass Concert
Parking will be limited at the Sitka Performing Arts Center for the Holiday Brass Concert Dec. 20.
Concertgoers should plan to carpool or park elsewhere and walk, organizers said. Doors will open at 6:15 p.m. for seating and the concert will begin at 7 p.m.
Tickets are available at Old Harbor Books for $25 for adults and $20 for students and seniors. For more information, or to reserve wheelchair seating, call 747-3085.
Elks Children’s
Party Dec. 22
The Sitka Elks Lodge children’s party will be held 1 p.m. Dec. 22 at the lodge. Elk families are reminded to sign up their children.
The event is sponsored by the Emblem Club and helpers are needed. For more information call Judi at 747 6326.
Bear Awareness
Reminder Given
Although colder temperatures and snow have arrived in Sitka, encounters with bears are still occurring.
Fish and Game reminds hikers to walk with others, make noise and keep dogs leashed where required, and to be aware of bear tracks in the snow and the possibility of a bear on a food cache. Low light conditions make surprise encounters possible.
Hunters should maintain garbage control practices and avoid bear encounters by disposing of deer carcasses in a responsible and approved manner, carcasses can’t be dumped on the road, the right of way of the road, or in a manner that will attract game, Fish and Game said. The offense is either littering or feeding of game as circumstances dictate.
The City of Sitka transfer site on Jarvis Street will take carcasses during normal business hours. The Alaska Raptor Center and the Fortress of the Bear will also take carcasses with prior contact.
Although bear encounters and sightings have diminished during December, the public is reminded to continue to be “bear aware” and “bear smart,” Fish and Game said. Attractants such as bird food, barbecue grills and pet food stored on porches may draw a curious bear to the area.
Call the Sitka Fish and Game office at 747-5449 to report bear sightings and encounters in town.
Fish Lunch Set
At Local Schools
A local fish lunch will be served Dec. 18 at Keet Gooshi Heen, Blatchley, Sitka High and Pacific High schools. The lunch is sponsored by the Sitka Conservation Society, local fishermen and support from community members.
School on Break
Students and staff in the Sitka School District will be on winter vacation beginning Dec. 21. School will resume Jan. 7.
All school offices and the district office will be closed Dec. 23-Jan. 3.
Maintenance and Community Schools will be open during the break, except for Dec. 24, 25, 31 and Jan. 1.
Letters to Santa ::::
Dear Santa: How is Rudolph? Me and my Mom and Dad are going to leave cookies for you. I would like a Harry Potter lego set and a Magic 8 ball and a Harry Potter Barbie set please. Love Rie Christianson
Dear Santa: 2. Mincraft on the DS. 1. a I Pad. 3. One of those Aleans in a vile of blue goo. 4. Call of duty MWF3 / Motern Warfar; 5 Assassin Cree2; Aventure Time Episodes move. From Hunter A. Lux
Dear Santa: 1. I Pad. 2. lego (Minecraft Village, Nether Set). 3. More Christmas decorations. 4. Sword (Minecraft). 5. Minecraft Ax. 6. Bigger bouncy ball. Cody Lux
Dear Santa: I hope you have a great day. I want guys on a merry-go-round, a truck with remote control, a real, big, big bow and arrow (so I can be like Robin Hood), and a choo-choo train with a remote control & track. I hope you have that kind of stuff. Hello and goodbye. From Aiden Karsunky (4 years old)
Dear Santa: Mommy is writing this letter for me since I’m too little to do so. Please may I have my first laptop toddler one, Basket hoop bath toy from True Value. Oh, the laptop I want is at Lakeside. toy plastic cookware pan $7.99 at True Value. Also little plastic turner spatula, and baby wipes. Thank you for the stuff from my first Chrstmas. P.S. I will leave a 20-ounce Coke out for you and beef stick jerky from Cascade. From: best toddler boy James, age 16 months.
Dear Santa: I want a gine pig and a big teddy bear and a crown and a toy car and a girl nerth gun and a toy dinosaur. Thank you. Love Aubrey
Dear Santa: I wash the dishes and I clean our house. I also clean the bedrooms and bathroom. For Christmas, I wish to see my mom and dad. Love, Marlene.
Dear Santa: Merry Christmas. I want a Wii U a 3ds a 3ds game, barbells, money, a flag, a cool toy, play-do, and ice cream for Christmas. From JD
Dear Santa: I have been good this year. My teacher said that I was smart and 100 percent participating. So what i’m trying to say is I wish I had a phone I know it sounds impossible but I really want one. Also I want my family to be very very HAPPY! Merry Christmas! Sincerly, Jenivive
Dear Santa: All I want for Christmas is a dollhouse and a barbie + I had been nice to my little brother and my whole family. From Greisha
Dear Santa: Merry Christmas I’ve been a good boy this year. I did the cleaning for my family when they were sleeping. I hope I am not on the naughty list this year. Santa, can you give me a toy or a shirt or a race car and a good birthday for God on Christmas! Love, Arvie
Dear Santa: I help other students. I clean my room. I take care of my dog Hunter. I’m nice to my mom. For Christmas I wish for a remote-controlled helicopter. Merry Christmas from Jordan.
Chamber to Meet
Garry White, executive director of the the Sitka Economic Development Association, will address Chamber members at a luncheon noon Wednesday at Westmark Sitka.
Luncheons are open to the public. For more information, call the Sitka Chamber office at 747-8604. Visit the website at for the calendar of events and upcoming lunches.
Spanish Taught
The last Spanish language group meeting of the year will be 4:30-6 p.m. Wednesday at UAS-Sitka Campus.
Possible meeting times for next year’s French and Spanish language group meetings will be discussed. All are invited to call Paul at 738-9456 with suggestions.
Parking at SHS
A variety of events planned at Sitka High School and the Performing Arts Center on Thursday and Friday may cause parking issues.
Two concerts and the Holland America Basketball Tournament have been scheduled at the same time, so parking will be congested. The school recommends car-pooling or other transportation options.
The Sitka School District thanks attendees for their cooperation and understanding.
Climbing Wall
Hours Added
The climbing wall at the Hames Center is now open three days a week.
Youths and adults are invited to climb, traverse or boulder the wall 4:30-6:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays and 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays. A slack line is available to practice balance. All gear is provided.
Climbers are reminded to take clean, indoor shoes. Visit for more information.
Login Form
February 2005
Photo caption: Baranof Barracuda swimmers pose with their awards won at the Speedo Great Alaska Open in Homer. From left are Ben Adams, Alex Dailey, Ben Campen, Andrew Vallion, Jamie Gorman, Gavin McGowan, Caitlin Way, Mallory Kempton-Hein, Alexandra Broschat and Alex Weissberg.
February 1975
Arrowhead Bowling League’s Dave Pearson, Al Aitken, Stumpy Baughn, Frank Brush and John D. Abbott Jr. bowled 200s. High series were bowled by Aitken, Baughn and Abbott.