ROOFTOP RETREAT – Seagulls jockey for space on top of the Westmark Hotel roof this afternoon. It’s the time of the year for the birds to feed on spawning salmon at Indian River and to use Sitka’s three-story buildings as spaces to digest their meals. (Sentinel Photo by James Poulson)

Analyst Sheds Light On Housing in Sitka
17 Sep 2024 16:06

Sentinel Staff Writer
Over the past several years Sitka has made progress in addin [ ... ]

Candidates for Mayor Address Chamber
17 Sep 2024 16:04

Sentinel Staff Writer
    The two candidates for mayor in this year’s municipa [ ... ]

Conference Gathering Shares Ideas on Education
17 Sep 2024 16:01

Special to the Sentinel
A keynote discussion Thursday about compacting — the ongoing pro [ ... ]

Alaskan Voters to Rank 8 President Candidates
17 Sep 2024 15:24

Alaska Beacon
    Alaska’s first ranked choice presidential election will include [ ... ]

Army Deploys Infantry To Aleutian Island Base
17 Sep 2024 15:22

Alaska Beacon
    The U.S. Army has deployed airborne soldiers from within Alaska a [ ... ]

September 17, 2024, Police Blotter
17 Sep 2024 15:18

Police Blotter
Sitka police received the following calls by 8 a.m. today:
September 16
At 3:48 a.m. a m [ ... ]

September 17, 2024, Community Happenings
17 Sep 2024 14:39

Final Farmers
Market Sept. 21
The final Sitka Farmers Market of the season will be held 10 a.m.-1 p.m. [ ... ]

GCI Internet Back After 17-Day Outage
16 Sep 2024 15:40

Sentinel Staff Writer
The communications company GCI notified Sitka customers by t [ ... ]

Assembly Selects Jones as City Attorney
16 Sep 2024 15:39

Sentinel Staff Writer
    In a 45-minute special meeting, the Assembly voted un [ ... ]

Wolves Take Top Spots in Cross Country Race
16 Sep 2024 15:23

Sentinel Sports Editor
    Runners from across Southeast converged on Sitka Satu [ ... ]

Two House Candidates Share Party, Not Ideas
16 Sep 2024 15:22

Alaska Beacon
    Two Republican candidates with legislative experience present con [ ... ]

NPS: Parks Put $2.3B In State Coffers in ‘23
16 Sep 2024 15:20

Alaska Beacon
    Tourism to national parks in Alaska has rebounded from pre-pandem [ ... ]

ADN’s Newsroom Staff Make Move to Unionize
16 Sep 2024 15:18

Alaska Beacon
    Anchorage Daily News owner Ryan Binkley declined to recognize  [ ... ]

September 16, 2024, Community Happenings
16 Sep 2024 13:12

Elders, Youths
Conference Set
Early bird registration closes today for the First Alaskans Institute’ [ ... ]

September 16, 2024, Police Blotter
16 Sep 2024 12:56

Sitka police received the following calls by 8 a.m. today:
September 13
At 1:41 p.m. a driver was repo [ ... ]

Land Trust Gets Grant To Help Home Buyers
13 Sep 2024 15:46

Sentinel Staff Writer
Sitka Community Land Trust announced today it has received a [ ... ]

GCI Says Cable Fix to Take More Time
13 Sep 2024 15:38

Sentinel Staff Writer
Technicians finished splicing work on the damaged GCI fibero [ ... ]

School Board Appoints Rioux to Fill Vacancy
13 Sep 2024 14:46

Sentinel Staff Writer
    The Sitka School Board appointed Paul Rioux Thursday n [ ... ]

House Senate Race In Fairbanks to be Close
13 Sep 2024 13:22

Alaska Beacon
    Six years ago, Scott Kawasaki defeated incumbent Republican Senat [ ... ]

September 13, 2024, Community Happenings
13 Sep 2024 13:17

Climate Connection: Climate Action Successes
The Rocky Mountain Institute examined all 45 state clima [ ... ]

September 13, 2024, Police Blotter
13 Sep 2024 13:15

Sitka police received the following calls by 8 a.m. today:
September 12
A possibly intoxicated driver  [ ... ]

Dance Troupe Kicks Off State Tour Here Friday
12 Sep 2024 15:36

Sentinel Staff Writer
Performers in the diverse EMERGE125 dance company hope you l [ ... ]

City Gets $2.5M Grant for Green Lake Project
12 Sep 2024 15:33

Sentinel Staff Writer
The U.S. Department of Energy has announced that Sitka’s G [ ... ]

Court Looks at Challenge To Imprisoned Candidate
12 Sep 2024 14:51

Alaska Beacon
    The Alaska Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Thursday mornin [ ... ]

Other Articles

Daily Sitka Sentinel

‘Chum Chucking’ Citations Add to Fisher Dispute

By Yereth Rosen

Alaska Beacon

For years, residents along the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers have accused fishers operating in marine waters north of the Alaska Peninsula of intercepting too many river-bound salmon, sometimes in hidden ways.

Now a trooper enforcement campaign by the Alaska State Troopers wildlife division gives some credence to those accusations.

The campaign, carried out in June and July in the region known as Area M, resulted in nine citations issued to captains and crew members for allegedly dumping unwanted salmon overboard, the Alaska State Troopers said in a statement issued Thursday.

The species of discarded salmon was not disclosed, but it was potentially chum salmon bound for the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers, where there have been devastating chum crashes in recent years.

“I think many people from along the Yukon knew it happened,” Serena Fitka, executive director of the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association. “It does occur, and we’re glad it’s finally getting acknowledged.”

Kevin Whitworth, executive director of the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, referred to the practice as “chum chucking.” The fishermen want sockeye, and “they don’t want to keep the chum salmon, so they throw it overboard,” he said.

The trooper citations add to the long-simmering dispute over salmon that travel through the Bering Sea to spawning grounds in the Yukon and Kuskokwim drainages. As chum and Chinook salmon returns in the rivers have dwindled and harvests have closed, residents have blamed Area M interception for contributing to those problems. But the Area M commercial fisheries are vigorously defended by Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian residents who depend on them.

Attempts to resolve the disputes reached the Alaska Board of Fisheries last February. The board considered proposals to restrict Area M fishing and ultimately approved rules that the Yukon-Kuskokwim advocates characterized as too weak but that the Aleutians East Borough, the regional government for many communities dependent on Area M harvests, deemed appropriate.

The meeting was emotion-charged, with both Yukon-Kuskokwim fishers and fishers from the Alaska Peninsula and eastern Aleutians testifying about the need to protect their well-being, communities’ stability and cultures. 

Scientists believe that the Yukon and Kuskokwim salmon crashes have more to do with climate change impacts in the ocean and possibly in the upriver spawning areas than with bycatch, the term for unintended catches of fish during harvests of other targeted species. However, interceptions could be exacerbating the problem, some say.

In a brief statement Thursday, the Aleutians East Borough criticized the cited salmon discards.

“We absolutely do not condone this type of reckless and illegal behavior. We believe the State of Alaska’s enforcement division will handle this to the harshest extent of the law,” the borough statement said.

Area M is a difficult place to conduct fishery patrols, said Major Aaron Frenzel, deputy director of the Alaska Wildlife Troopers.

Unlike the Bristol Bay or Kodiak fisheries, where vessels can be crowded together and where troopers aboard a patrol vessel can easily see practices and behavior, the Area M harvests are conducted by boats separated by vast distances.

A trooper helicopter proved key to the Area M enforcement effort, he said. But availability of that helicopter and other assets limits any enforcement in the region because wildlife troopers need to patrol other fisheries, Frenzel said. That means some strategic movement of ships, aircraft and people to the places where they are most needed, he said.

“It’s kind of like a chess game,” he said.

The outcome of the citations is yet to be determined. The fishers cited, some of them from Washington state, have court appearances scheduled for later this month in Anchorage. The violation is considered a class A misdemeanor punishable by fines of up to $15,000 and jail terms of up to one year, Frenzel said.

The Board of Fisheries is not expected to hold another Area M-focused meeting for three years, according to the meeting cycle. The next scheduled meetings are focused on Cook Inlet and Kodiak fish.

Citizens may ask the board to consider subjects outside of the normal cycle. The next deadline to request that consideration is Aug. 14, and requests are to be considered at the board’s scheduled October work session.

Aside from their special Area M operation, wildlife troopers conducted their regular summer patrols in the Bristol Bay fishery, source of approximately half of the world’s harvested sockeye salmon. The Bristol Bay operation involved multiple patrol boats and aircraft, the trooper statement said. More than 400 commercial vessels working in Bristol Bay were boarded, with thousands of fishermen contacted, 150 citations issued and thousands of pounds of salmon seized, the trooper statement said.



Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network ; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for city and other critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the sudden breakage of GCI's fiberoptic cable on August 29, which left most of Sitka without internet or phone connections. CCTHITA's public-spirited response to the emergency is inspiring.

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September 2004

Photo caption: Protesters dressed as Smokey Bear and President Bush shred papers representing public comment on the Bush Administration’s proposed changes to the Roadless Rule, in front of the U.S. Forest Service office on Siginaka Way today. About 75 protesters participated in the event, sponsored by the Sitka Conservation Society.


September 1974

Pioneer Home News: Patti Phelps was back in town before returning to Portland and school. Her parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at a party that Patti and her two sisters gave. ....


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